Donate now
This is how you can help! Help if you can!
Accepting in kind donations:
In person: Day and night at our reception
1086 Budapest, Dankó 11.
Phone: +36-1-210-54-00/248
Donation phone lines during working hours:
Phone: +36-1-210-54-00/248
Fax: (06-1) 577-05-17
E-mail: [email protected]
Bank account number:
HU08 1170 8001 2052 0380 0000 0000 (HUF)
HU71 1176 3086 1599 6886 0000 0000 (EUR)
Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség)
Account for Euros
Name and address of beneficiary: MO-I EVANGÉLIUMI TESTVÉRKÖZÖSSÉG
1086 Budapest, Dankó u. 11.
Bank account number, IBAN:
HU08 1170 8001 2052 0380 0000 0000 (HUF)
HU71 1176 3086 1599 6886 0000 0000 (EUR)
Name and address of bank: OTP Bank Nyrt.
1054 Budapest, Báthory u. 9.
Currency: EUR
Please, indicate the purpose for which your donation is intended in the Notice Box.
We also welcome other donations, clothing, toys, food, etc.
Thank you for your support!
A szervezetet a Magyar Élelmiszerbak Egyesület támogatja
In addition to money, we gratefully accept other kinds of donations.
Non-perishable food
You can support our work with the following food items:
- flour
- rice
- sugar
- oil
- canned food
- pasta
- sweets
Bring non-perishable food with a shelf life of at least 6 months!
Donations in kind
In addition to food, we also welcome the following donations:
- blankets
- tents
- clothes
- toys
- computers
- mobile phones
- stationery
- furniture
Please, make donations that you would also welcome and accept with joy. Please, donate used clothes cleaned and ready to wear.
This is how you can help! Help if you can!
Accepting in kind donations:
In person: Day and night at our reception
1086 Budapest, Dankó 11.
Phone: +36-1-210-54-00/248
Please, support the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship with 1% of your tax.
Technical number for 1% transfer: 0444
Technical number of the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship: 0444
NAV 1% felajánlás 2019 évi MET & WJLF
NAV 1% offer for 2019 MET & WJLF
NAV 1% felajánlás 2019 évi MET &OKE
NAV 1% offer for 2019 MET & OKE
NAV 1% felajánlás 2019 évi MET
NAV 1% offer 2019 MET
NAV 1% felajánlás 2019 évi WJLF
NAV 1% offer 2019 WJLF
NAV 1% felajánlás 2019 évi OKE
NAV 1% offer 2019 OKE
(Support HEF, Oltalom, Wesley College)
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