Crucifixion Nail of Christ Chapel

John Wesley Theological College
Pastoral Office
Crucifixion Nail of Christ Chapel
Ildikó Szabó
college pastor,
pastoral psychological specialist
Tel.: (06 70) 338 9820
Géza Bereczky
assistant pastor
Tel.: (06 70) 275 6624
1086 Budapest, Dankó u. 11.
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
How to get there:
From Blaha Lujza tér bus 9 to Kálvária tér or bus 99 to Mátyás tér stop.
Church Services:
Regular meetings in the Crucifixion Nail of ChristChapel
(access through the reception gate)
Saturday at 8.00 Bible Study for theologians
(when school is in session, open to all who are interested)
Sunday at 11.00 Service