Nyíregyháza Congregation

Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bessenyei tér 10.
Tel.: (06 36) 42 506-042, (06 70) 318-35-40
How to get there:
In the center of Nyíregyháza, opposite the Zsigmond Móricz Theater.
Our services in and around Nyíregyháza:
Tuesday: 10:00 –Service in the Home of the elderly in Hetefejércse
Wednesday: 5:30 pm - Bible study discussion
Friday: 16:00 - biweekly youth class (first and third week of the month)
14.00 - biweekly women's class (in the first and third week of the month)
09:00 - Prayer
10:00 - Children's and adolescent study
10:00 - Service
18:00 - Service
In addition, we have occasional other events:
In Szélsőbokor, on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 14:00
Mátészalka: on the first Sunday of every month at 4 p.m.
Csaholc: every 4th Sunday of the month at 15:00
District services on Tuesdays:
Nagyecsed, Csenger, Csaholc, Darnó, Jánkmajtis, Kömörő, Garbolc villages
In our schools in Bereg - in Gulács, Beregdaróc, Márokpapi, and in our Gulács kindergarten - we hold church services every Monday.