Maintainer: Oltalom Charity Society
Name of institution: Temporary Home for Families
Leader of institution: Katalin Borsányi
Address: confidential
Phone: (06-1) 314-0668
E-mail: [email protected]
Number of beds: 28
In the years since the change of national regime there has been an increasing need to accommodate the increasing numbers of homeless mothers with their children. This increase has been driven by economic issues and family conflicts. This institution has been functioning since January 1993 and until 2000 the Self-government of Budapest was its operator. Since the 1st of January 2000 the Oltalom Charity Society has been its maintainer.
The Temporary Home for Families belongs to the system of the basic provision of child welfare. Its main responsibility is to accommodate mothers and their children. The 31st law of 1997 declares that at the request of the homeless parent, the child (children) and mother should be provided accommodation together when their lodging is not guaranteed otherwise and when without this type of accommodation they would be separated.
The primary task of the Home is prevention, to avoid sending the children to the care of the state.
The most frequent causes of request for admission are deteriorating family relationships, desertion, aggression in the family, lack of a place to stay and poverty. 28 persons (12 mothers and 16 children) can be accommodated in the Home. Common premises are available: 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms and also a big garden. Bedclothes, tableware and cleaning agents are provided.
The working staff of the home has grown accustomed to each other over the years. Their tasks are done independently but cooperatively. They deal with clients individually and prepare a plan of care for each one. We support the families in finding solutions and suitable accommodations.
In order to solve problems we make an effort to clear up family relationships and search for other agencies to help effect a settlement. Within the frame of family care – on the basis of a personal plan of care and education – our staff takes an interest in the physical, emotional, intellectual and moral development of the children.