Maintainer: Hungarian Evangelica lFellowship
(From February 21, 2007. Before: Oltalom Charity Society)
Name of Institution: Heated Street; Night Shelter and Daily Public Room (Fűtött Utca)
Leader of Institution: Barnabás Farkas
Address: 1086 Budapest, Dankó u. 15.
Phone: (06 1) 210 5400 /extensions143, 114, 162, 257
Capacity: 100
Purchased in the summer of 2003, the building at8th. district, Dankó 15 – after a significant transformation – allowed the Society to further expand the number of its existing beds and open new space for those in need. The “Heated Street” night shelter and daily public room, in the winter with extra beds, complements other social and health services for the homeless people throughout the year. It is a shelter which provides life-saving services and immediate assistance to homeless people sent away from temporary hostels, not staying at night shelters on a regular basis, living mainly on the streets and in public areas. The function of the shelter and the daily public room is to provide immediate assistance to the homeless people in a crisis situation. In addition to being open almost all day (except for cleaning and disinfection), we provide the opportunity to use the services openly and directly at any time, and to provide the possibility for bathing, food heating and restingas required by law for a daily public room.
The night shelter provides temporary accommodation for women and men who are self-sufficient or self-sufficient with assistance, ordono haveother housing opportunity. Unique in the capital, we provide the opportunity for people living in a relationship to have accommodation together,otherwise,the upstairs room reuse for women and in downstairs room for men. These Rooms Are Equipped With Gender-specific restrooms. The daily public room can be used by anyone in the capitol who needs daytime services (bathing, relaxation, laundry, food heating, leisure programs, basic healthcare, counseling).
Number served:
- in the night shelter: in case of continuous, year-round operation – 100 people, in the winter crisis period – an extra 40 people.
- in the daily public room: 90 people at the same time, about 270 people across the day.
- A bed for one night
- Personal hygiene
- Laundering, replacement of clothes
- Warming of food
- Safe-keeping of official documents during the stay
- Provision of clothing if needed
- Provision of a postal address
- Offering information
- Recovery room for those that are waiting for hospital treatment or just out of hospital, those in need of permanent medical care can ask for the attention of the Oltalom Hospital and Surgery
- Spiritual care
- Leisure-time programs, watching TV, films
- Provision of tea and bakery goods
- Free hair care
- Provision of books and newspapers
- Employment opportunities for our guests (e.g. selection of donations, helping in the dressmaker’s shop)
- Handicraft activity with the guidance of an expert and the assistance of volunteers.
Among the Society’s provisions for homeless people “Heated Street” is the first level. This condition is closest to being on the street and the shelter has adjusted its requirements to mirror the street as closely as possible because the main purpose is to avoid – especially in the wintertime –increased dangers (e.g. chilblains, frostbite, sicknesses) and to open the possibility for long-lasting accommodation, either in one of the social or health institutes of the Society or at another provider.
This also allows for more successful and systematic assistance of our visitors.
The night shelter works 24/7 and in order to provide for those who are in crisis, it has the simplest possible admission requirements. Individuals seeking service must:
- Have a disinfection certificate issued by our institution not older than one week. (We provide the opportunity to obtain this certificate at the screening on the “Heated Street” during the three-day grace period.)
- Apply for services from the person on duty atthe night shelter of the daily public room
- Accept the rules of the house
- Provide valid proof of NPHMOS – National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (not older than 1 week) and x-ray screening (not older than 6 months). (For a one-time use of the Heated Street services these certificates are not required.)Our daily public room is available for everyone; it can be used for rest as well as for recreation and cultural programs.
The services of the “Heated Street” night shelter and daily public room are free of charge.